
Filter Discovery

Every month we’ll send you a filter coffee of our choice.

When will we ship the next coffee
Monday November 4th

Sign up deadline for the next shipment
Thursday October 31st

From: £11.00

From: £11.00
This is a gift
They will get 1 Filter Discovery - 250g every month for 6 months.

SKU: N/A Categories: , ,

September’s Coffee: Bookkisa Natural

Natural Gibirinna 74110 and Serto 74112 by Sookoo Coffee.

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We are so pleased to welcome fresh lots from Sookoo Coffee to our menu for the fourth consecutive harvest. This is a pristinely clean and elegant natural, with ripe sweetness, juicy acidity and a vibrant profile of strawberry, ripe peach and lavender.

Sookoo Coffee was founded by Ture Waji and his brother, Assefa. Located in Odo Shakiso within the Oromia region and the Guji zone, Sookoo produce coffees with cherry sourced from smallholder farmers located in the surrounding kebeles – in this case, Bookkisa.

This lot is made up of two varieties, Gibirinna 74110 and Serto 74112, both of which originate from the Metu Bishari forest, selected by the Jimma Agricultural Research Centre in 1974 for their resistance to Coffee Berry Disease. After delivery to Sookoo’s centralised location, the cherries go through intensive sorting before immediately being put out to dry on raised African beds for 21-28 days. Here, the cherries are kept in extremely shallow layers and turned at least six times per day to ensure even and precise drying. Sookoo’s attention to detail in processing their naturals make these some of the most dynamic, expressive and transparent coffees that we have the pleasure of working with each year.

Below is the key transparency data relating to this coffee. To find our more about our commitment to transparency, check out our latest annual transparency report.

Volume purchased: 900kg
Volume purchased: 900kg
Purchase history: Fourth year
Purchase history: Fourth year
Importer: Osito
Importer: Osito

By signing up to either our Filter Discovery Subscription or Blossom Espresso Subscription, you will get freshly roasted coffee delivered to your door each month. Just select the volume of coffee you’d like and your grind preference, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Filter Discovery: Each month our roastery team selects our favourite filter coffee from our seasonal offering, making sure you always receive something new and exciting in the post to try. Occasionally, we will send out a coffee that is exclusive to our subscribers, giving you unique access to an interesting micro-lot or variety you won’t be able to find on our website. If you love exploring the diversity of speciality coffee, then this is the subscription for you.

Blossom Espresso: Each month we will send you our house espresso and most popular coffee, Blossom Espresso. Roasted to be easily enjoyed using your home espresso machine or stovetop brewer, this is our daily go-to and a much loved crowd pleaser. If you want the same delicious coffee every day, then this is the subscription for you.

There are many perks to signing up to our subscription service:

  • Free shipping on all subscription orders.
  • Hassle-free delivery of fresh coffee every month.
  • An average saving of 10%.
  • Pause, amend of cancel at any time.

How much coffee should I order?

250g per month – this makes around 12 cups, great for weekend treats.

500g per month – this makes around 25 cups, ideal for one cup (almost) every day.

1kg per month – this makes around 50 cups, perfect for several cups a day.

When are payments processed?

Your first payment will be processed upon subscribing. Payments thereafter are made on the same date every month. For example, if you subscribe on the 16th January, your payments will be processed on the 16th every month.

How do I pause or cancel my subscription?

You can easily pause or cancel by logging into your account or by emailing [email protected]

Can I amend my subscription?

If you would like to increase the number of bags you receive or change your grind preference, please email [email protected] and we can arrange this for you.

How do I update my billing and shipping details?

You can easily update your payment details or billing/shipping address by logging into your account.

When are subscriptions shipped?

Subscriptions are shipped on the first Monday of every month.

When will my first order by shipped?

We will ship your first subscription on the first Monday of the month following your order.

What happens if I order other items at the same time as my subscription?

If you order a subscription at the same time as another non-subscription item, your whole order will be shipped out together on the first Monday of the month. Every shipment and payment thereafter will revert to the standard subscription plan.

How long will it take to arrive?

We ship subscriptions using Royal Mail’s next day service and delivery is usually made within 1-2 working days. Unfortunately, Royal Mail are only able to guarantee delivery within 28 days, but please contact us at [email protected] if your coffee hasn’t arrived within 14 days.

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping is free!

Do you ship internationally?

Yes, we ship to most countries. Please note that there is an extra shipping fee for international orders which goes towards offsetting emissions.

Additional information

Weight N/A

1kg, 250g, 500g


Wholebean, Medium (filter, cafetière)